Batman : The Killing Joke

Batman : The Killing Joke

 1) What is your reaction to the text you just read?

To say, this was the very first time I have ever read any Batman comics in my life. I have watched some of the Marvel movies and very few DC movies but never read the original comic books of them. For DC Comics, I even have not seen the famous DarkKnight(Batman?) series. The only DC comics' movies that I have seen are the Aquaman and Wonder Woman, which came out relatively recently. And that's how I am not familiar with the comics.

So it was obvious that I cannot understand the Batman: The Killing Joke, well, but I get the point of the comics is very well made. Then, when I researched about the ending which I couldn't understand well, I finally get the reason why Batman has suddenly killed the Joker. To be honest I'm still not sure about it. So what was the reason he choked Joker's neck again? Did Joker make fun of Batman because he thought the Batman is one who already jumped the gap and now he's not desperate? Oh, I think I get it more by writing it down. This is how human thought works, we could never understand things without an effort! This is a really interesting Story. And I think Joker has a serious mental issue. But I get the point. I sometimes felt like that too.

 If a person was born from a rich family, he cannot truly understand the poor kid's struggle. Sometimes, when we are having a real struggle, we say pointy words to friends who try to comfort us. If I think the situation like those cute and little ones, I somehow understand Joker but his method is wrong. And why the Gotham city has so many maniacs? Where did those many villains come from? Joker has just escaped, and bought the amusement park, and then phew! the villains came to help Joker? Who is he? Is he some kind of Disney princess who can call her animal allies by singing? Is the city have that many villains to gather with just one call? I rather pick to move to another city.

2) What connection did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the story with which you were able to connect.

It's weird I write so many on the #1 question and finds out I already write some answers for #2 in there. So. Yes. I understand why they are doing that and could connect what they are doing with the ordinary real life. We all might have this kind of situation for once! There are many strick people who want to fix weird people. Actually, most of the people don't allow the fewer people are different from them. And the Batman and Joker may be like that? And to tell the truth there are many Lawful-Good and Chaotic-Evil combinations in many stories. They fight and others suffer between them. And I could be the one who suffers between them. Like a shy and small child suffering between the strict teacher and problematic child. So let's just move away and find a new place where no heroes and villains live!

3) What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium you use? what changes would you make?

I don't get the reason why, but I can't stop thinking this story will be awesome in the form of novels. Maybe it is because I like the novel, and novel can describe the character's thought and still can show other's reaction(and thoughts too!) Because those two characters have very interesting mental health and if they could be written down in really long, and careful words, maybe we could understand them more. And there is another reason why it will be so nice, is that the dark mood of the comics really matches the mood of the novel.


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