Une Semaine de Bonte

Une Semaine de Bonte://PIC

What I have guessed with reading ‘Une Semaine de Bonte
(This is a very personal opinion without any knowledge on these drawings and background information of the era.)

  1. A woman seems to enchanting on the rooster on an egg or maybe she is just surprised because she saw a dead human under stairs, or maybe! She pushed the man and about to run away, then she saw the rooster staring at her and was so surprised. So she is also about to fall down?

  1. She is surely dead, or in a deep sleep, coma? and the Rooster’s god is staring down at her. We don’t know what he is thinking but as a context, he is just happy to find a human killed by a rooster or here to punish her?

  1. Two rooster’s god(maybe just gods in forms of a rooster) is fighting each other about who is going to take over her soul(?) and the goddess is making decisions between them.

  1. The fighting becomes long enough but hasn’t ended, so even the goddess is bored and she is laying on a rock table? or something, and resting. As the two roosters are even got tired and now they are sitting on a floor discussing each other. And there are other goddesses came to watch the boring fight. 

  1. A rooster killed another human? Maybe two Rooster God was Pro. at rooster's killing human, Con. a human killed by a rooster. And killing one has won and now human can be killed by roosters. He looks joyful and probably wins by the way.

  1. Now Rooster God can freely mess up with any human races(maybe because he have won?) and he is looking up for his first victim; a family with a man and woman. The man looks like he is angry or mad, and the woman seems like she is worried about him so they could be husband and wife for a guess.

  1. The Rooster God is recommending the woman to hit her husband with the wooden rod on the picture. She probably refused it because on the next page…

  1. now she is the victim. The Rooster God is after the women and he is like a scary monster to women. The character looks desperate to run away from Rooster God. 


+ We discussed about the pictures that why many of us did saw the visuals as a continuous story in class. In my opinion, I think we did that because we are taught to read things according to the time periods and pages afterward. However, I was really not good at reading things from the drawings because I did not know any of the place, time and culture inside the drawing. But it is always funny to hear others opinions and share ideas about what they read from it. And I have to admit mine is the one which really misguided with the drawings. There was nothing like a rooster gods at all! 


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