Underground comics

Robert Crumb_Whiteman://What I read from class time...

To say it directly, I was really shocked by the contents. I did hear it could be a very unpleasant reading experiment and have many sexual contents but I did not expect them to happen so suddenly and so frankly. I read this during the class and I read some more, but all of them are quite the same. they are really violent, or really (so suddenly) sexual.

I am not really used to those cartoonic drawing styles besides Disney. So I think maybe my unconscious mind was expecting some of more cute stories within those drawing styles. And I am now doomed... I am sure I could never go back before I read this story now.

The story was quite shocking, I mean it is a story. It does not put the main character suddenly a bastard or a sudden bitch attack. (I think?) Other stories, I think I saw a weird male character suddenly did sexual harassment to his girlfriend? I don't remember the title, but. This one does not do that. At least they have a beginning story and ending. If I did not saw so many sexual contents during the comics, I think maybe I could really understand why the characters are caring for each other. If they had an emotional bond or anything, maybe? If they were, It would become a very normal story I suppose. But in this type of comics, and in this sexual relationship that two main characters are having, it is really not pleasant to watch. The female character was almost treated like an animal inside the comic and still, she was really sexualized among the whole story. I could see that the Underground Comics' target audience is definitely not female and they are not aimed for female readers. Maybe some of the peoples would like those kinds of comics, but I am sure I'm not one of them.


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(One who is not popular with drawing but popular in comics and his name sounds like Topherd?)

The Arrival by Shaun Tan

Une Semaine de Bonte